November 29, 2020 2 min read

The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents in avocado oil help your skin stay smooth, strong, and elastic. Avocado oil is believed to:

  • calm itchy skin
  • heal chapped skin
  • replenish dry skin
  • hydrate and moisturise skin
  • shield skin from ultraviolet radiation
  • protect against skin damage

Thick and green-coloured, avocado oil is a carrier oil.

Carrier oils are pressed from the seeds, nuts, or other fatty parts of the fruit

The main benefits of avocado oil are to soothe and add moisture, so it won’t work as well if you have oily skin. Using avocado oil won’t leave a lot of grease behind.

Researchers have documented how natural oils like avocado oil can be beneficial for your skin. This works whether you use avocado oil by itself or combine it with another agent like your favourite skin cream.

The beta carotene, protein, lecithin, fatty acids, and vitamins A, D, and E found in avocado oil help moisturise and protect your skin from damaging UV rays and also increase collagen metabolism Trusted Source. A 2015 study found that a topical skin cream consisting of avocado, tea tree, emu, and jojoba oils had positive antimicrobial effects.

Avocado oil may also help heal wounds. A 2013 study Trusted Source found that the linoleic acid, oleic acid, and other monosaturated fatty acids in avocado oil can speed up wound healing.

Some evidence suggests that avocado oil can help treat skin conditions such as plaque psoriasis, a chronic autoimmune condition that causes thick, scaly, red patches on the skin. A 2001 studyTrusted Source found that avocado oil mixed in vitamin B-12 cream could ease psoriasis symptoms for a longer period than the traditional vitamin D-3 therapy. The researchers theorise that a vitamin B-12 cream containing avocado oil could be used as a long-term tropical treatment for psoriasis.

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